
This menu covers the most frequently used modules of AIDA64. Please scroll down to read explanation of each menu item.


Disk Benchmark

This menu item launches the Disk Benchmark. Disk Benchmark can be used to measure the performance of hard disk drives, optical drives, flash memory drives, memory cards and SSD drives.

Cache And Memory Benchmark

This menu item launches the Cache And Memory Benchmark. Cache And Memory Benchmark can be used to measure the bandwidth and latency of CPU caches and system memory.

Monitor Diagnostics

This menu item launches the Monitor Diagnostics. Monitor Diagnostics can be used to check the capabilities and display performance of LCD and CRT displays.

System Stability Test

This menu item launches the System Stability Test. System Stability Test can be used to stress all major system components (CPU, caches, memory, hard disk drives) all at once, and find possible stability or cooling issues.


This menu item launches the CPUID Panel. CPU Panel shows a one-page overview about the CPU.